Adapting to different cultures and contexts
We are an international organisation with a flexible reform model, which adapts to different cultures and contexts.
Our work began in Eastern Europe when urgent need became apparent during the post-Communist era. Since then, we have expanded into Latin America and the Caribbean, and will continue to identify other regions where we can help children and families. Lumos goes where the need is greatest.
We know that the underlying reasons for the separation of families and children are similar around the world. War and natural disasters can bring about swift and catastrophic change to communities. And children who live with disability or who lack access to support services are always particularly vulnerable. And yet, overall, the primary reason that children enter orphanages is poverty.
There are also significant differences and new challenges, which is why our adaptable approach is so important.
Interactive map
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Bulgaria: Lumos was asked to provide expertise and technical support to help implement Bulgaria’s national strategy, and worked there for over a decade.
Our work in Bulgaria -
Kenya: There are an estimated 43,000 children currently living in Charitable Children's Institutions in Kenya.
Our work in Kenya -
Ukraine : Ukraine has among the highest number of children in institutions in Europe, with an ingrained institutional system viewed as the only solution for children at risk. Success in Ukraine is likely to have considerable influence on the deinstitutionalisation reform processes in the neighbouring countries.
Our work in Ukraine -
Ethiopia : Lumos worked with partners on a new project to provide family based care to unaccompanied refugee and migrant children in the refugee camps in Shire, northern Ethiopia.
Our work in Ethiopia -
Colombia : Figures from the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF) suggest that there are nearly 15,000 children living in institutions in Colombia. Working with partner organisations, Lumos aims to support the transformation of the care system, moving from institutionalisation to family based care.
Our work in Colombia -
Lumos Foundation USA: Lumos Foundation USA was launched in 2015 to help build political and public will in support of the US Government’s goals to strengthen families and end orphanages and other residential institutions.
Our work in Lumos Foundation USA -
Brussels: Since 2010, the Brussels-based Advocacy and Campaigns team have worked to raise awareness and understanding of the harm caused to children’s development and well-being by institutionalisation with EU stakeholders such as politicians,civil servants and civil society networks.
Our work in Brussels -
Greece: Lumos worked in Greece from 2015- 2020 to encourage reform of their child protection system.
Our work in Greece -
Czech Republic: Lumos began work in the Czech Republic in 2008. Our impact here has been gradual, but admissions to institutions, and the numbers of children in them, have fallen.
Our work in Czech Republic -
Haiti: Lumos began work in Haiti in January 2015, as part of a joint programme with key governmental and NGO partners. We are working to transform care services for vulnerable children and families in Haiti by 2030.
Our work in Haiti -
Moldova : We have been working in the Republic of Moldova since 2006 in co-operation with the Moldovan Government. At that point Moldova had committed to a five-year plan to reduce the numbers of children in institutions by 50%.
Our work in Moldova -
United Kingdom: Lumos' corporate headquarters are in London, United Kingdom. If you would like to get in touch with any of our teams please use the form on the contact page.
Our work in United Kingdom