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Fighting a system that is against them: Cristina & Igor's Story

Family Voices

Fighting a system that is against them: Cristina & Igor's Story

Cristina and Igor have intellectual disabilities. When they were very young, their parents were told by doctors that they would need to go into an orphanage in order to access education.

Despite their efforts, their parents could not get a mainstream school to take their children. The system was against them.

When the children went to live in the orphanage they were small and powerless. Their parents could not sleep as they were so anxious about them. But they felt they had no other option but to send them there.

Lumos helped the family place Cristina and Igor back into mainstream education. We helped to prepare the school, the children and their parents for this transition.

Now back home where they belong, Cristina and Igor are making progress at their new school.

“For us, our children make us happy all day long. We take care of them, not the state.”

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