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Mother’s Day: A foster mother motivated by love

Family Voices

Mother’s Day: A foster mother motivated by love

Carla* wanted to be a foster mother for a long time, but as a single mother had to postpone her application while her own children were younger. 

Carla had a strong interest in social work and early childhood development, experience as a teaching assistant in kindergartens and having undertaken courses on childhood nutrition and education.

In 2021, Carla heard about Michín's foster care programme – a partner of Lumos, and took the opportunity to fulfil her ambition of becoming a foster mother. Lumos has been supporting the Michín Foundation with financial and technical assistance as well as training to help them transition away from institutional care to provide support for children within families.

Michín describes Carla as a committed foster mother who is 

“motivated by love, and by the opportunity to restore a child’s rights and give them the affection that they need.”

Carla is currently taking care of four foster children in her home; 7-month-old Juan*, 4-year-old twins Luna* and Lina* and 5-year-old David*. It’s a busy household, but despite the challenges Carla is able to provide each child with love and care. She is supported by her daughters and by the steady guidance of Michín's psychosocial team.

Carla is grateful for all the support she has received from Michín: 

“I am very grateful to them because there has been a lot of ongoing support. They are always aware at all times of what we need, not only for the children, but for me as a person too. I thank them very much because the work they do for foster mothers like me is a big commitment.”

Carla hopes that others will volunteer as foster carers to help transform lives: 

“I always try to encourage others to become foster parents, because this work is very beautiful and satisfying, and the affection that you give to the children is very rewarding.”

This Mother’s Day Lumos is celebrating all mothers, including the fantastic work done by Foster Mothers, helping children receive the love of a family.

Learn more about our work with Michín Foundation here:

*Names have been changed in this case study.