Home Why we’re here
Our mission
To realise every child’s right to a family by transforming care systems around the world.
Our vision
All children grow up in safe and loving families within supported communities.
Lumos exists to light a path to a brighter future for these children
Founded by the author J.K. Rowling, we tackle the causes of family separation and transform systems of care that take children away from their families and communities. We’re committed to stopping children ending up in institutions because when children get the family-based care they need and are entitled to, they can thrive.
We support governments, civil society and other influential organisations around the world so we can turn commitments to care reform change into action. By sharing our learning and expertise, we’ll also support locally-led efforts that lead to lasting change and safe, quality care for vulnerable children.
Lumos exists to light a path to a brighter future for these children
Founded by the author J.K. Rowling, we tackle the causes of family separation and transform systems of care that take children away from their families and communities. We’re committed to stopping children ending up in institutions because when children get the family-based care they need and are entitled to, they can thrive.
We support governments, civil society and other influential organisations around the world so we can turn commitments to care reform change into action. By sharing our learning and expertise, we’ll also support locally-led efforts that lead to lasting change and safe, quality care for vulnerable children.
Our strategy has six priorities
Prevention & reintegration
We’ll ensure families have the support they need to care for their children as this plays a pivotal role in preventing the separation of children from their families and supports the reintegration of children following family separation.
Strengthening child protection & welfare systems
We will partner with governments to achieve impact at scale in strengthening national child protection and child welfare systems, especially when seeking multi-sectoral, systems-level change.
Increasing care reform commitments
We’ll prioritise preventing children being separated from their families and family strengthening, advocating for the redirecting of funding towards family-based care, addressing the fragmentation of child welfare and child protection systems, shedding light on challenges faced by marginalised groups and engaging young people and families affected.
Amplifying engagement of impacted young people
We will support systematic, quality and ethical participation of children, young people and families affected to ensure they are more meaningfully engaged in the development of policies, practice, and implementation of programme that are undertaken on their behalf and impact them. This will be mainstreamed across each other strategic objective.
Cultivating a thriving organisation
By creating an environment where staff and partners can work together and develop high-quality projects, the better the outcome for all, including the children and family we support. This is led by our core values, always care, embrace collaboration, be passionate, be respectful and always strive for excellence.
Maintaining a finanically sustainable organisation
By maintaining a fiscally responsible organisation, we are able to work with our partners, networks and generous donors to deliver transformational and sustainable projects.
We can’t change the world alone
We help thousands of children and their families every year, but we have a family of supporters to achieve this. Join our mission and find out how you can support our work to unify families worldwide.
We can’t change the world alone
We help thousands of children and their families every year, but we have a family of supporters to achieve this. Join our mission and find out how you can support our work to unify families worldwide.