Lumos in Brussels: EU liaison

In 2010, the Brussels-based Advocacy and Campaigns team worked to raise awareness and understanding of the harm institutions cause to children’s development and well-being. This involved key EU stakeholders including politicians, civil servants and civil society networks.

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Worked to see the European Commission and parliament pass family-centred care legislation

This legislation governing the European Structural and Investment Funds ensured that funds are used to support the transition from institutions to family and community-based care.

Helped establish a group on the transition from institutional to community-based care

We also managed and funded the creation of the common European guidelines and a toolkit, in 13 languages, which detailed the steps necessary to deliver a transition from institutions to community-based services.

Provided training sessions on deinstitutionalisation to senior stakeholders

This included EU officials, managing authorities, EEA & Norway Grants Financial Mechanism Office and civil society.


Within Europe there are an estimated one million children living in institutions

The EU is a key player in improving the lives of these children, and has taken a leadership role to move away from the use of institutions in its 28 Member States.

Lumos has worked to raise awareness about the deinstitutionalisation of children with officials and politicians in all the EU institutions, the Permanent Representations of Member States, the European Investment Bank, the EEA and Norway Grants and civil society, and has contributed to putting the issue high on the EU political agenda.

In 2013, new legislation was passed stating that the European Structural and Investment Funds (financial assistance for Member States under the broad category of ‘social cohesion’) must be used to support community-based health, education and social services, and must prioritise the transition from institutions to family and community-based care.

While this is a huge step in the right direction, we need to continue working closely with the EU institutions and other major stakeholders to make sure that these rules are fully implemented and that EU funds are being used effectively to support family and community care for children.

In addition to bringing about change internally, the EU’s status as a beacon of human and child rights and as the world’s largest donor of development aid means it has the potential to play a leading role in ending institutionalisation of children worldwide. The EU must build on its success thus far in promoting deinstitutionalisation, and the steps that have been taken to make sure that internal EU funding does not fuel institutionalisation should be replicated for the EU’s external funding instruments. The Lumos EU Liaison Office will continue to work closely with the EU and its structures to help ensure that it contributes in the most effective way possible towards the global fight to end institutionalisation of children.


Worked to see the European Commission and parliament pass family-centred care legislation

This legislation governing the European Structural and Investment Funds ensured that funds are used to support the transition from institutions to family and community-based care.

Helped establish a group on the transition from institutional to community-based care

We also managed and funded the creation of the common European guidelines and a toolkit, in 13 languages, which detailed the steps necessary to deliver a transition from institutions to community-based services.

Provided training sessions on deinstitutionalisation to senior stakeholders

This included EU officials, managing authorities, EEA & Norway Grants Financial Mechanism Office and civil society.


Within Europe there are an estimated one million children living in institutions

The EU is a key player in improving the lives of these children, and has taken a leadership role to move away from the use of institutions in its 28 Member States.

Lumos has worked to raise awareness about the deinstitutionalisation of children with officials and politicians in all the EU institutions, the Permanent Representations of Member States, the European Investment Bank, the EEA and Norway Grants and civil society, and has contributed to putting the issue high on the EU political agenda.

In 2013, new legislation was passed stating that the European Structural and Investment Funds (financial assistance for Member States under the broad category of ‘social cohesion’) must be used to support community-based health, education and social services, and must prioritise the transition from institutions to family and community-based care.

While this is a huge step in the right direction, we need to continue working closely with the EU institutions and other major stakeholders to make sure that these rules are fully implemented and that EU funds are being used effectively to support family and community care for children.

In addition to bringing about change internally, the EU’s status as a beacon of human and child rights and as the world’s largest donor of development aid means it has the potential to play a leading role in ending institutionalisation of children worldwide. The EU must build on its success thus far in promoting deinstitutionalisation, and the steps that have been taken to make sure that internal EU funding does not fuel institutionalisation should be replicated for the EU’s external funding instruments. The Lumos EU Liaison Office will continue to work closely with the EU and its structures to help ensure that it contributes in the most effective way possible towards the global fight to end institutionalisation of children.


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